How to Wire a Junction Box
When the Indicator and Load Cells are Different Brands
Compare the wire functions between the two brands and identify which colors should be paired.
If wires need to be switched, it is easiest to move only the wires of the cable going to the indicator and leave the load cell wires where they are.
Examples are shown below:
Circuit Board Type
The load cell wires are placed according to the labels on the board.
Only the wires of the cable going to the indicator are switched from their original positions.
Weigh-Tronix Load Cells connected to a Digi-Star IndicatorFunction | +EX | -SIG | +SIG | -EX | GROUND |
Weigh-Tronix | GREEN | RED | WHITE | BLACK | SHIELD |
In this example the functions of the red and green wires are switched between the two brands. In order for the scale to work correctly the wire positions must be changed.

The image above shows a junction box circuit board with the red and green wires going to the indicator switched. Notice that the red and green wires at the bottom of the picture do not match the labeling on the board.
Lever Lock Type
The load cell wires are grouped together by color.
Only the wires of the cable going to the indicator will me moved from the color groupings.
Weigh-Tronix Load Cells connected to a Digi-Star IndicatorFunction | +EX | -SIG | +SIG | -EX | GROUND |
Using the same example, the functions of the red and green wires are switched between the two brands. In order for the scale to work correctly the wire positions must be changed.
The image above shows a set of junction box lever locks with the red and green wires going to the indicator switched. Notice that the red and green wires at the top of the picture do not match the other wires they are grouped with.
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