Ordering POINT for Livestock Scales

Ordering POINT for Livestock Scales

Ordering POINT for Livestock Scales

Answer the questions below to determine which conversion kit is necessary to add a POINT scale to your livestock chute.

1) Does the chute already have a scale?

  • Yes (proceed to question 2A)

  • No (Kit - 7300137RI & POINT - 7601943AT)

2A) What brand is the current scale?

  • Digi-Star (proceed to question 2B)

  • Avery Weigh-tronix (proceed to question 2B)

  • TruTest (Kit - 7602700 & POINT - 7601943AMP)

  • Gallagher (Kit - 7602701 & POINT - 7601943AMP)

2B) How do the load cells connect to the indicator?

  • Amp 4-pin (Kit - 7602709 & POINT - 7601943AMP)

  • Crown 5-pin (Kit - 7602710 & POINT - 7601943CROWN)

3) How is the indicator receiving power?

  • 110V Wall Outlet (adaptor included in each kit)

  • 12V Battery (12V power cables are not included in the kits but can be ordered separately)

    • For Kits - 7602700, 7602701, and 7602709 use Cable - 7600180

    • For Kit - 7602710 use Cable - 7602711


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