Scale-Tec Point Livestock Settings

Scale-Tec POINT Livestock Settings

Lock-on Start Time

Delay (in seconds) before starting the weight sampling after activation of lock-on detection.

Permissible Range: 1 - 10 seconds.

2 is the recommended minimum.  Increase if “weighing” starts before animal is completely on scale. Default is 4.

Lock-on Average Time

Duration (in seconds) for which the weight is averaged to compute the lock-on value.

Permissible Range: 1 - 10 seconds.

2 is the recommended minimum.  Increase if weight is inconsistent due to animal movement.  Default is 3.

Lock-on Release Weight Percentage

Percentage of lock-on weight at which the lock is released. For example, if the lock-on weight was recorded as 1200 lbs and the Lock-on Release Weight Percentage is 50%, then when the scale weight drops below 600 lbs, the lock-on will be released and the state will return to tracking.

Permissible Range: 10 - 90 percent.  

Higher values allow for slightly faster zeroing but may cause loss of LOCK-ON before animal has left the chute. Recommended max is ~60. Default is 50.

Zero Track Duration

Duration (in seconds) over which the zero track feature checks for signal stability. A higher value results in a slower activation of zero tracking, but is more immune to variations in the weight.

Permissible Range: 1 – 4

1.5 is the recommended minimum. Default is 1.5.

Zero Track Standard Deviation Limit

Maximum standard deviation of weight as a percentage of scale capacity at which the zero track zeros the scale. A lower value requires a more stable weight value before the zero is performed.

Permissible Range: 0.01 – 1 

Use lowest value possible. If Zero Track is not working, increase value. Default is 0.1

Zero Track Maximum Weight

Maximum weight in pounds which under which the zero track feature is active.

Permissible Range: 0 - 50 Lbs

~25 is recommended, adjust as needed. Default is 25.

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