Using POINT to Evenly Fill Multiple Hoppers on a Drill or Planter

Using POINT to Evenly Fill Multiple Hoppers on a Drill or Planter

Using POINT to Evenly Fill Multiple Hoppers

on a Drill or Planter

  1. Start with all hoppers empty and the POINT in gross mode.
  2. Zero the scale by pressing "ZERO" in the app or the furthest right button on the POINT (It looks like a O with a / through it).
  3. Fill the the first hopper to the desired amount.
  4. Either press "TARE" in the app or the second button from the left on the POINT (Play/Pause Symbols).  The Scale should read 0.
  5. Fill the second hopper to the desired amount.
  6. Either press "TARE" in the app or the third button from the left on the POINT (Square or Stop Symbol).  The Scale should read the total of the two tanks.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until all hoppers are filled to the desired level, then begin planting.

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